
吾爱主题 阅读:126 2021-11-05 16:24:00 评论:0



str_replace() 函数以其他字符替换字符串中的一些字符(区分大小写)。

该函数区分大小写。请使用 str_ireplace() 函数执行不区分大小写的搜索。


1 str_replace (find,replace,string, count )






创建一个PHP示例文件;然后通过“tr_replace($vowels, "","Hello World of PHP");”方法替换多个字符串即可。

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 echo str_replace ( array ( "m" , "i" ), array ( "n" , "z" ), "my name is jim!" )   echo str_replace ( array ( 'm' , 'i' ), 'n' , "my name is jim!" );   $vowels = array ( "a" , "e" , "i" , "o" , "u" , "A" , "E" , "I" , "O" , "U" );   $onlyconsonants = str_replace ( $vowels , "" , "Hello World of PHP" ); echo $onlyconsonants ;



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190     <?php      /**      * 安全过滤函数      *      * @param $string      * @return string      */      function safe_replace( $string ) {      $string = str_replace ( '%20' , '' , $string );      $string = str_replace ( '%27' , '' , $string );      $string = str_replace ( '%2527' , '' , $string );      $string = str_replace ( '*' , '' , $string );      $string = str_replace ( '"' , '&quot;' , $string );      $string = str_replace ( "'" ,'', $string );      $string = str_replace ( '"' , '' , $string );      $string = str_replace ( ';' , '' , $string );      $string = str_replace ( '<' , '&lt;' , $string );      $string = str_replace ( '>' , '&gt;' , $string );      $string = str_replace ( "{" , '' , $string );      $string = str_replace ( '}' , '' , $string );      $string = str_replace ( '' , '' , $string );      return $string ;      }      ?>        <?php      /**      * 返回经addslashes处理过的字符串或数组      * @param $string 需要处理的字符串或数组      * @return mixed      */      function new_addslashes( $string ) {      if (! is_array ( $string )) return addslashes ( $string );      foreach ( $string as $key => $val ) $string [ $key ] = new_addslashes( $val );      return $string ;      }      ?>        <?php      //对请求的字符串进行安全处理      /*      $safestep      0 为不处理,      1 为禁止不安全HTML内容(javascript等),      2 完全禁止HTML内容,并替换部份不安全字符串(如:eval(、union、CONCAT(、--、等)      */      function StringSafe( $str , $safestep =-1){      $safestep = ( $safestep > -1) ? $safestep : 1;      if ( $safestep == 1){      $str = preg_replace( "#script:#i" , "script:" , $str );      $str = preg_replace( "#<[/]{0,1}(link|meta|ifr|fra|scr)[^>]*>#isU" , '' , $str );      $str = preg_replace( "#[ ]{1,}#" , ' ' , $str );      return $str ;      } else if ( $safestep == 2){      $str = addslashes (htmlspecialchars( stripslashes ( $str )));      $str = preg_replace( "#eval#i" , 'eval' , $str );      $str = preg_replace( "#union#i" , 'union' , $str );      $str = preg_replace( "#concat#i" , 'concat' , $str );      $str = preg_replace( "#--#" , '--' , $str );      $str = preg_replace( "#[ ]{1,}#" , ' ' , $str );      return $str ;      } else {      return $str ;      }      }      ?>        <?php         /**          +----------------------------------------------------------          * 输出安全的html,用于过滤危险代码          +----------------------------------------------------------          * @access public          +----------------------------------------------------------          * @param string $text 要处理的字符串          * @param mixed $tags 允许的标签列表,如 table|td|th|td          +----------------------------------------------------------          * @return string          +----------------------------------------------------------          */         static public function safeHtml( $text , $tags = null)         {             $text =  trim( $text );             //完全过滤注释             $text = preg_replace( '/<!--?.*-->/' , '' , $text );             //完全过滤动态代码             $text =  preg_replace( '/<?|?' . '>/' , '' , $text );             //完全过滤js             $text = preg_replace( '/<script?.*/script>/' , '' , $text );             $text str_replace ( '[' , '&#091;' , $text );             $text = str_replace ( ']' , '&#093;' , $text );             $text str_replace ( '|' , '&#124;' , $text );             //过滤换行符             $text = preg_replace( '/ ? /' , '' , $text );             //br             $text =  preg_replace( '/<br(s/)?' . '>/i' , '[br]' , $text );             $text = preg_replace( '/([br]s*){10,}/i' , '[br]' , $text );             //过滤危险的属性,如:过滤on事件lang js             while (preg_match( '/(<[^><]+)(lang|on|action|background|codebase|dynsrc|lowsrc)[^><]+/i' , $text , $mat )){                 $text = str_replace ( $mat [0], $mat [1], $text );             }             while (preg_match( '/(<[^><]+)(window.|javascript:|js:|about:|file:|document.|vbs:|cookie)([^><]*)/i' , $text , $mat )){                 $text = str_replace ( $mat [0], $mat [1]. $mat [3], $text );             }             if ( empty ( $allowTags ) ) { $allowTags = self:: $htmlTags [ 'allow' ]; }             //允许的HTML标签             $text =  preg_replace( '/<(' . $allowTags . ')( [^><[]]*)>/i' , '[12]' , $text );             //过滤多余html             if ( empty ( $banTag ) ) { $banTag = self:: $htmlTags [ 'ban' ]; }             $text =  preg_replace( '/</?(' . $banTag . ')[^><]*>/i' , '' , $text );             //过滤合法的html标签             while (preg_match( '/<([a-z]+)[^><[]]*>[^><]*</1>/i' , $text , $mat )){                 $text = str_replace ( $mat [0], str_replace ( '>' , ']' , str_replace ( '<' , '[' , $mat [0])), $text );             }             //转换引号             while (preg_match( '/([[^[]]*=s*)("|' )([^2=[]]+)2([^[]]*])/i', $text , $mat )){                 $text = str_replace ( $mat [0], $mat [1]. '|' . $mat [3]. '|' . $mat [4], $text );             }             //空属性转换             $text str_replace ( '' '' , '||' , $text );             $text = str_replace ( '""' , '||' , $text );             //过滤错误的单个引号             while (preg_match( '/[[^[]]*("|' )[^[]]*]/i', $text , $mat )){                 $text = str_replace ( $mat [0], str_replace ( $mat [1], '' , $mat [0]), $text );             }             //转换其它所有不合法的 < >             $text str_replace ( '<' , '&lt;' , $text );             $text = str_replace ( '>' , '&gt;' , $text );             $text = str_replace ( '"' , '&quot;' , $text );             //反转换             $text str_replace ( '[' , '<' , $text );             $text str_replace ( ']' , '>' , $text );             $text str_replace ( '|' , '"' , $text );             //过滤多余空格             $text str_replace ( '  ' , ' ' , $text );             return $text ;         }      ?>        <?php      function RemoveXSS( $val ) {         // remove all non-printable characters. CR(0a) and LF(0b) and TAB(9) are allowed         // this prevents some character re-spacing such as <javascript>         // note that you have to handle splits with , , and later since they *are* allowed in some          // inputs         $val = preg_replace( '/([x00-x08,x0b-x0c,x0e-x19])/' , '' , $val );         // straight replacements, the user should never need these since they're normal characters         // this prevents like <IMG SRC=@avascript:alert('XSS')>         $search = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' ;         $search .= 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' ;         $search .= '1234567890!@#$%^&*()' ;         $search .= '~`";:?+/={}[]-_|' ';         for ( $i = 0; $i < strlen ( $search ); $i ++) {             // ;? matches the ;, which is optional             // 0{0,7} matches any padded zeros, which are optional and go up to 8 chars             // @ @ search for the hex values             $val = preg_replace( '/(&#[xX]0{0,8}' . dechex (ord( $search [ $i ])). ';?)/i' , $search [ $i ], $val ); //with a ;             // @ @ 0{0,7} matches '0' zero to seven times             $val = preg_replace( '/(&#0{0,8}' .ord( $search [ $i ]). ';?)/' , $search [ $i ], $val ); // with a ;         }         // now the only remaining whitespace attacks are , , and          $ra1 = Array( 'javascript' , 'vbscript' , 'expression' , 'applet' , 'meta' , 'xml' , 'blink' , 'link' , 'style' , 'script' , 'embed' , 'object' , 'iframe' , 'frame' , 'frameset' , 'ilayer' , 'layer' , 'bgsound' , 'title' , 'base' );         $ra2 = Array( 'onabort' , 'onactivate' , 'onafterprint' , 'onafterupdate' , 'onbeforeactivate' , 'onbeforecopy' , 'onbeforecut' , 'onbeforedeactivate' , 'onbeforeeditfocus' , 'onbeforepaste' , 'onbeforeprint' , 'onbeforeunload' , 'onbeforeupdate' , 'onblur' , 'onbounce' , 'oncellchange' , 'onchange' , 'onclick' , 'oncontextmenu' , 'oncontrolselect' , 'oncopy' , 'oncut' , 'ondataavailable' , 'ondatasetchanged' , 'ondatasetcomplete' , 'ondblclick' , 'ondeactivate' , 'ondrag' , 'ondragend' , 'ondragenter' , 'ondragleave' , 'ondragover' , 'ondragstart' , 'ondrop' , 'onerror' , 'onerrorupdate' , 'onfilterchange' , 'onfinish' , 'onfocus' , 'onfocusin' , 'onfocusout' , 'onhelp' , 'onkeydown' , 'onkeypress' , 'onkeyup' , 'onlayoutcomplete' , 'onload' , 'onlosecapture' , 'onmousedown' , 'onmouseenter' , 'onmouseleave' , 'onmousemove' , 'onmouseout' , 'onmouseover' , 'onmouseup' , 'onmousewheel' , 'onmove' , 'onmoveend' , 'onmovestart' , 'onpaste' , 'onpropertychange' , 'onreadystatechange' , 'onreset' , 'onresize' , 'onresizeend' , 'onresizestart' , 'onrowenter' , 'onrowexit' , 'onrowsdelete' , 'onrowsinserted' , 'onscroll' , 'onselect' , 'onselectionchange' , 'onselectstart' , 'onstart' , 'onstop' , 'onsubmit' , 'onunload' );         $ra = array_merge ( $ra1 , $ra2 );         $found = true; // keep replacing as long as the previous round replaced something         while ( $found == true) {             $val_before = $val ;             for ( $i = 0; $i < sizeof( $ra ); $i ++) {                 $pattern = '/' ;                 for ( $j = 0; $j < strlen ( $ra [ $i ]); $j ++) {                     if ( $j > 0) {                         $pattern .= '(' ;                         $pattern .= '(&#[xX]0{0,8}([9ab]);)' ;                         $pattern .= '|' ;                         $pattern .= '|(&#0{0,8}([9|10|13]);)' ;                         $pattern .= ')*' ;                     }                     $pattern .= $ra [ $i ][ $j ];                 }                 $pattern .= '/i' ;                 $replacement = substr ( $ra [ $i ], 0, 2). '<x>' . substr ( $ra [ $i ], 2); // add in <> to nerf the tag                 $val = preg_replace( $pattern , $replacement , $val ); // filter out the hex tags                 if ( $val_before == $val ) {                     // no replacements were made, so exit the loop                     $found = false;                 }             }         }         return $val ;      }      ?>





