PHP Parser 扫描应用打印输出结构语句实例

吾爱主题 阅读:179 2022-11-20 16:56:00 评论:0


PHP-Parser 是由 nikic 开发的一个 PHP 抽象语法树(AST)解析器,可方便的将代码与抽象语法树互相转换。工程上常用来生成模板代码(如 rector)、生成抽象语法树进行静态分析(如 phpstan)。最近学习应用(静态分析)了一下,编写了一个简单的扫描发现代码中的打印、输出结构语句的命令(FindDumpStatementCommand)。



  • 扫描拿到指定的 PHP 文件结果集
  • 提取文件内容转化为抽象语法树
  • 遍历抽象语法树节点,匹配符合要求的节点,暂存符合要求的节点信息
  • 输出节点结果集信息


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use Illuminate\Support\Stringable; use PhpParser\Error; use PhpParser\Node; use PhpParser\NodeFinder; use PhpParser\ParserFactory; use PhpParser\PrettyPrinter\Standard; use SebastianBergmann\Timer\ResourceUsageFormatter; use SebastianBergmann\Timer\Timer; use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface; use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface; use Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder; use Symfony\Component\Finder\SplFileInfo; class FindDumpStatementCommand extends Command {      /** @var string */      protected $signature = '          find:dump-statement          {--dir=* : The directories to search for files}          {--path=* : The paths to search for files}          {--name=* : The names to search for files}          {--not-path=* : The paths to exclude from the search}          {--not-name=* : The names to exclude from the search}          {--s|struct=* : The structs to search}          {--f|func=* : The functions to search}          {--m|parse-mode=1 : The mode(1,2,3,4) to use for the PHP parser}          {--M|memory-limit= : The memory limit to use for the PHP parser}';      /** @var string */      protected $description = 'Find dump statements in PHP files.' ;      /** @var \string[][] */      private $statements = [          'struct' => [              'echo' ,              'print' ,              'die' ,              'exit' ,          ],          'func' => [              'printf' ,              'vprintf' ,              'var_dump' ,              'dump' ,              'dd' ,              'print_r' ,              'var_export'          ]      ];      /** @var \Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder */      private $fileFinder ;      /** @var \PhpParser\Parser */      private $parser ;      /** @var \PhpParser\NodeFinder */      private $nodeFinder ;      /** @var \PhpParser\PrettyPrinter\Standard */      private $prettyPrinter ;      /** @var \SebastianBergmann\Timer\ResourceUsageFormatter */      private $resourceUsageFormatter ;      protected function initialize(InputInterface $input , OutputInterface $output )      {          $this ->checkOptions();          $this ->initializeEnvs();          $this ->initializeProperties();      }      public function handle(Timer $timer )      {          $timer ->start();          $this ->withProgressBar( $this ->fileFinder, function (SplFileInfo $fileInfo ) use (& $findInfos , & $odd ) {              try {                  $nodes = $this ->parser->parse( $fileInfo ->getContents());              } catch (Error $e ) {                  $this ->newLine();                  $this ->error(sprintf( "The file of %s parse error: %s." , $fileInfo ->getRealPath(), $e ->getMessage()));                  return ;              }              $dumpNodes = $this ->nodeFinder->find( $nodes , function (Node $node ) {                  if (                      $node instanceof Node\Stmt\Expression                      && $node ->expr instanceof Node\Expr\FuncCall                      && $node ->expr->name instanceof Node\Name                      && in_array( $node ->expr->name->toString(), $this ->statements[ 'func' ])                  ) {                      return true;                  }                  return Str::of(class_basename(get_class( $node )))                      ->lower()                      ->replaceLast( '_' , '' )                      ->is( $this ->statements[ 'struct' ]);              });              if ( empty ( $dumpNodes )) {                  return ;              }              $findInfos [] = array_map ( function (Node $dumpNode ) use ( $fileInfo , $odd ) {                  if ( $dumpNode instanceof Node\Stmt\Expression && $dumpNode ->expr instanceof Node\Expr\FuncCall) {                      $name = "<fg=cyan>{$dumpNode->expr->name->parts[0]}</>" ;                      $type = '<fg=cyan>func</>' ;                  } else {                      $name = Str::of(class_basename(get_class( $dumpNode )))->lower()->replaceLast( '_' , '' )->pipe( function (Stringable $name ) {                          return "<fg=red>$name</>" ;                      });                      $type = '<fg=red>struct</>' ;                  }                  $file = Str::of( $fileInfo ->getRealPath())->replace(base_path().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '' )->pipe( function (Stringable $file ) use ( $odd ) {                      return $odd ? "<fg=green>$file</>" : "<fg=blue>$file</>" ;                  });                  $line = Str::of( $dumpNode ->getAttribute( 'startLine' ))->pipe( function (Stringable $line ) use ( $odd ) {                      return $odd ? "<fg=green>$line</>" : "<fg=blue>$line</>" ;                  });                  $formattedCode = Str::of( $this ->prettyPrinter->prettyPrint([ $dumpNode ]))->pipe( function (Stringable $formattedCode ) use ( $odd ) {                      return $odd ? "<fg=green>$formattedCode</>" : "<fg=blue>$formattedCode</>" ;                  });                  return [                      'index' => null,                      'name' => $name ,                      'type' => $type ,                      'file' => $file ,                      'line' => $line ,                      'formatted_code' => $formattedCode ,                  ];              }, $dumpNodes );              $odd = ! $odd ;          });          $this ->newLine();          if ( empty ( $findInfos )) {              $this ->info( 'The print statement was not found.' );              $this ->info( $this ->resourceUsageFormatter->resourceUsage( $timer ->stop()));              return static ::INVALID;          }          $findInfos = array_map ( function ( $info , $index ) {              $index ++;              $info [ 'index' ] = "<fg=yellow>$index</>" ;              return $info ;          }, $findInfos = array_merge ([], ... $findInfos ), array_keys ( $findInfos ));          $this ->table( array_map ( function ( $name ) {              return Str::of( $name )->snake()->replace( '_' , ' ' )->title();          }, array_keys ( $findInfos [0])), $findInfos );          $this ->info( $this ->resourceUsageFormatter->resourceUsage( $timer ->stop()));          return self::SUCCESS;      }      protected function checkOptions()      {          if (! in_array( $this ->option( 'parse-mode' ), [              ParserFactory::PREFER_PHP7,              ParserFactory::PREFER_PHP5,              ParserFactory::ONLY_PHP7,              ParserFactory::ONLY_PHP5])          ) {              $this ->error( 'The parse-mode option is not valid(1,2,3,4).' );              exit (1);          }          if ( $this ->option( 'struct' )) {              $this ->statements[ 'struct' ] = array_intersect ( $this ->statements[ 'struct' ], $this ->option( 'struct' ));          }          if ( $this ->option( 'func' )) {              $this ->statements[ 'func' ] = array_intersect ( $this ->statements[ 'func' ], $this ->option( 'func' ));          }      }      protected function initializeEnvs()      {          $xdebug = new XdebugHandler( __CLASS__ );          $xdebug ->check();          unset( $xdebug );          extension_loaded ( 'xdebug' ) and ini_set ( 'xdebug.max_nesting_level' , 2048);          ini_set ( 'zend.assertions' , 0);          $this ->option( 'memory-limit' ) and ini_set ( 'memory_limit' , $this ->option( 'memory-limit' ));      }      protected function initializeProperties()      {          $this ->fileFinder = tap(Finder::create()->files()->ignoreDotFiles(true)->ignoreVCS(true), function (Finder $finder ) {              $methods = [                  'in' => $this ->option( 'dir' ) ?: [base_path()],                  'path' => $this ->option( 'path' ) ?: [],                  'notPath' => $this ->option( 'not-path' ) ?: [ 'vendor' , 'storage' ],                  'name' => $this ->option( 'name' ) ?: [ '*.php' ],                  'notName' => $this ->option( 'not-name' ) ?: [],              ];              foreach ( $methods as $method => $parameters ) {                  $finder ->{ $method }( $parameters );              }          });          $this ->parser = ( new ParserFactory())->create((int) $this ->option( 'parse-mode' ));          $this ->nodeFinder = new NodeFinder();          $this ->prettyPrinter = new Standard();          $this ->resourceUsageFormatter = new ResourceUsageFormatter();      } }

以上就是PHP Parser 扫描应用打印输出结构语句实例的详细内容,更多关于PHP Parser 扫描打印输出结构的资料请关注服务器之家其它相关文章!




