mysql存储过程 返回 list结果集方式

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mysql存储过程 返回 list结果集




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 BEGIN      DECLARE In_StartTime  VARCHAR (64);      DECLARE In_StopTime   VARCHAR (64);      DECLARE IN_User_id    VARCHAR (64);      DECLARE IN_work_no    VARCHAR (20);      DECLARE IN_Office_id  VARCHAR (64);      DECLARE IN_Cus_source VARCHAR (100);     if in_begindate is NULL or in_begindate = '' THEN      # set In_StartTime = timestamp (date_add(curdate(), interval - day (curdate()) + 1 day ));##默认查询开始时间为当月1日 set In_StartTime = DATE_FORMAT( DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 DAY ), '%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00' );##默认查询开始时间为昨天开始 ELSE      SET In_StartTime = in_begindate; END IF;   if in_enddate is NULL or in_enddate = '' THEN      set In_StopTime = DATE_FORMAT( DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 DAY ), '%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59' );##默认查询结束时间为昨天时间 ELSE      SET In_StopTime = in_enddate; END IF;       SET IN_User_id = in_userid; SET IN_work_no =in_user_work_no; SET IN_Office_id = in_offid; SET IN_Cus_source = in_custsouce;          select DTA.*, ( case when DTB.callcount is  NULL then 0 ELSE DTB.callcount  END ) as all_call_num,  ##总呼出量 ( case when DTB.calllens is  NULL then 0 ELSE      concat(concat(DTB.calllens div 3600, '时' ),concat(DTB.calllens mod 3600 div 60, '分' ),concat(DTB.calllens mod 3600 mod 60 mod 60, '秒' ))   END ) as all_call_time,     ##总呼出时长   ( case when DTB.effcount is  NULL then 0 ELSE DTB.effcount END ) as eff_call_num,         ##有效呼出量 ( case when DTB.effcountlens is  NULL then 0 ELSE      concat(concat(DTB.effcountlens div 3600, '时' ),concat(DTB.effcountlens mod 3600 div 60, '分' ),concat(DTB.effcountlens mod 3600 mod 60 mod 60, '秒' )) END ) as eff_call_time,## 有效呼出时长   ( case when DTC.exchange_num is  NULL then 0 ELSE DTC.exchange_num END ) as exchange_num,## 交流次数 ( case when DTD.summary_num is  NULL then 0 ELSE DTD.summary_num END ) as summary_num, ## 总结次数 ( case when DTE.WorkCount is  NULL then 0 ELSE DTE.WorkCount END ) as worksheet_num, ## 总机会点数 ( case when DTE.WorkQDCount is  NULL then 0 ELSE DTE.WorkQDCount END ) as sign_worksheet_num,##签单机会点数     ( CASE WHEN DTE.WorkQDCount = 0  then 0              WHEN DTE.WorkCount   = 0    then 0              when   DTE.WorkCount  is NULL  then 0              when  DTE.WorkQDCount is NULL  then 0     ELSE  concat((ROUND( (IFNULL(DTE.WorkQDCount,0)/DTE.WorkCount),2)  *100 ), '%' )   END ) as WorkRate, ## 成功率   ( case when DTE.WorkSum  is  NULL then 0 ELSE DTE.WorkSum  END ) as sales_volume ##成交总金额   FROM (     ## 公司相关信息和人员账号 SELECT TTA.office_id,,user_id,work_no,user_name from ( SELECT id as office_id, name as company FROM sys_office WHERE del_flag=0) TTA LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT id as user_id ,work_no, name as user_name,office_id from sys_user where del_flag=0 and        (is_disabled = '1'  or is_disabled= '' or ISNULL (is_disabled) ) ) TTB ON ( TTA.office_id =TTB.office_id) WHERE          ( TTB.user_id=IN_User_id or  IN_User_id is null  or IN_User_id = '' ) and ( TTB.work_no=IN_work_no or  IN_work_no is null  or IN_work_no = '' )   and  ( TTB.office_id=IN_Office_id or  IN_Office_id is null  or IN_Office_id = '' ) ) DTA LEFT OUTER JOIN     (##通话相关次数及时长,有效通话次数及时长 SELECT TA.agent_id , SUM (callcount) as callcount, SUM (calllens) as calllens, SUM (effcount) as effcount, SUM (effcountlens) as effcountlens   from ( select agent_id,           ( case when (agent_id is NOT NULL or times  is NOT NULL then 1 ELSE 0 END ) as callcount,          ( case when (agent_id is NOT NULL  or times  is NOT NULL ) then times else 0 end ) as calllens,          ( case when  times >=30 then 1 else 0 end ) as effcount,          ( case when  times >=30 then times else 0 end ) as effcountlens       from  crm_hw_call where call_begintime >=In_StartTime  and STR_TO_DATE(call_begintime, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s' )<=In_StopTime   ) TA GROUP BY TA.agent_id         ) DTB on (DTA.work_no=DTB.agent_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN (## 交流次数 SELECT TC.create_by,IFNULL( SUM (exchange_num),0) as exchange_num FROM (   SELECT wk.create_by, wk.user_type,   CASE WHEN ex.create_by is not NULL then 1 else 0 end ) as  exchange_num   from crm_worksheet wk  LEFT OUTER JOIN  crm_wkst_exchange_record ex on wk.worksheet_no=ex.worksheet_no      where  ex.create_by is not NULL and ex.del_flag=0 and wk.del_flag=0      and ( wk.user_type = 'sys_basic_hua_wei' or  'sys_basic_hua_wei' is null  or 'sys_basic_hua_wei' = '' )      and ex.create_date >=In_StartTime  and ex.create_date<=In_StopTime   ) TC              GROUP BY TC.create_by          ) DTC on (DTA.user_id = DTC.create_by) LEFT OUTER JOIN     (## 总结次数 SELECT TD.create_by, SUM (TD.summary_num) as summary_num FROM ( SELECT create_by, ( CASE WHEN create_by is not NULL then 1 else 0 end ) as summary_num FROM crm_day_report  where del_flag=0      and create_date >=In_StartTime  and create_date<=In_StopTime ) TD GROUP BY TD.create_by ) DTD on (DTA.user_id = DTD.create_by) LEFT OUTER JOIN       ## 签单次数,工单总数,签单总额 ( SELECT      TE.create_by,      SUM (WorkCount) AS WorkCount,      SUM (WorkQDCount) AS WorkQDCount,      SUM (WorkSum) AS WorkSum FROM ( SELECT create_by, ( CASE WHEN create_by is not null THEN 1 else 0 end ) as WorkCount, ( CASE WHEN create_by is not null and important_degree= 'sys_basic_qian_shu_he_tong' THEN 1 else 0 end ) as WorkQDCount, ( CASE WHEN create_by is not null and important_degree= 'sys_basic_qian_shu_he_tong' THEN IFNULL(solution,0) else 0 end ) as WorkSum   from crm_worksheet where del_flag=0       and ( user_type =IN_Cus_source or  IN_Cus_source is null  or IN_Cus_source = '' )      and create_date >=In_StartTime  and create_date<=In_StopTime   ) TE  GROUP BY TE.create_by ) DTE ON (DTA.user_id = DTE.create_by);    SELECT  IN_work_no,in_user_work_no;   END ##输入参数 in_begindate varchar (64),in_enddate varchar (64),in_userid varchar (64),in_offid varchar (64), in_custsouce  varchar (100),in_user_work_no varchar (20)



  • 创建存储过程
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 create procedure p1(存储名)( in suppiler_num varchar (10)) begin          declare results int default 0;  #声明变量并初始化          select count (*) into results    #赋值          from factory.suppiler          where factory.suppiler.suppiler_num=suppiler_num;          select if (results>0, '成功' , '失败' );  #使用 end (参数列表: 模式  参数名  参数类型)       模式 in (默认)、 out 、 inout: in 模式; out 模式;inout 模式
  • 删除存储过程
1 drop procedure p1 (并且只能一次删除一个存储过程)
  • 更改存储过程


  • 调用存储过程
1 call p1( 's1' )

注意:因为是in 模式所有可以传入常量,如果是inout模式


  • 查看存储过程
1 show create procedure p1



This function has none of DETERMINISTIC ,NO SQL,or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled(you “might” want to use the less safe_log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)。

此时的mysql 服务器开启了二进制日志选项,这种模式是默认禁止创建存储函数的。


  • 创建存储函数
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 create function 函数名(参数列表) returns 返回类型 begin      函数体      end 1、参数列表 (参数名 参数类型) 2、 函数体肯定有 return 语句
  • 调用存储函数
1 select 函数名(参数列表)




(2)用户登录历史记录表:tUserHisRec(登录序号int identity(1,1),用户账号varchar(10),登录时间datetime)


(4)用户购买商品记录:tUserOrder(登陆序号int identity(1,1),用户账号varchar(10),商品编号varchar(20),购买时间datetime,送货地址varchar(100))

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 -- 用户表: Create table  tUser  (      /*用户账号*/ tuser_num varchar (10),       /* 用户名称 */tuser_name  varchar (50),        /*登陆密码 */ tuser_password  varchar (20),       /* 联系电话 */ tuser_tel  varchar (20),       /* 邮箱地址 */tuser_maill  varchar (100),        /*已购商品总额 */ tuser_sum_expence  numeric (10,2),        /*送货地址 */ tuser_addr   varchar (100) ) --用户登录历史记录表: Create table tUserHisRec (          /*登录序号*/ tuserhisrec_row int auto_increment,          /*用户账号*/tuserhisrec_num varchar (10),          /*登录时间*/tuserhisrec_time datetime,           primary key (tuserhisrec_row) #自增必须要设键 ) --商品列表: Create table productsList(          /*商品编号*/ productsList_num varchar (20),          /*商品名称*/ productsList_name  varchar (100),          /*商品类别 */productsList_kind varchar (100),          /*商品价格 */productsList_price numeric (10,2),          /*出厂日期 */productsList_date datetime,          /*生产商 */productsList_suppiler varchar (200) ) --用户购买商品记录: Create table tUserOrder(      /*登陆序号*/ tuserorder_row int auto_increment,      /*用户账号 */tuser_num varchar (10),      /*商品编号 */productsList_num varchar (20),      /*购买时间 */tuserorder_time datetime,      /*送货地址 */tuser_addr varchar (100),      primary key (tuserorder_row) )

1 创建商品检索存储过程procBrowProduct (关联子查询)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 create procedure t2( in products_name varchar (100), in products_kind varchar (100)) begin     select *,( select count ( distinct tuser_num) from tUserOrder      where `productsList_num`=a.productsList_num) as '已购用户数量' ,     ( select tuser_num  from factory.tuserorder     where tuserorder_time=( select max (tuserorder_time)     from factory.tuserorder     where `productsList_num`=a.productsList_num      group by a.productsList_num)) as '最近一次购买的用户' ,     ( select max (tuserorder_time) from factory.tuserorder     where `productsList_num`=a.productsList_num      group by a.productsList_num) as '最近一次购买的时间'     from factory.productslist  a where `productsList_num` in     ( select productsList_num  from factory.productslist     where `productsList_name` like concat( '%' ,products_name, '%' )     and `productsList_kind` like concat( '%' ,products_kind, '%' )); end





table staff(staff_num,staff_depart,staff_salary)

1 2 3 select staff_num from staff a where staff_salary<( select avg (staff_salary from staff where staff_depart=a.staff_deapart)

查询首先会从最外层select * from staff

在将每一行结果传递给子查询,传入第一行结果就是select staff_num from staff where staff_salary<(select avg(staff_salary from staff where staff_depart=‘经理’)),然后子查询的结果又返回给外层查询select staff_num from staff where staff_salary<9666。逐行逐行,直到结束。 


2 创建商品检索存储过程t1


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 create procedure t1( in use_num varcharacter(10), in product_num varcharacter(20)) begin     declare tuser_addr1 varchar (100) ;     declare productsList_price1 numeric (10,2);     select  tuser_addr into tuser_addr1     from tUser     where tUser.tuser_num=use_num;     select productsList_price into productsList_price1     from factory.productsList     where productsList_num=product_num;     update tUser    set tuser_sum_expence=tuser_sum_expence+productsList_price1     where tuser_num=use_num;     insert into factory.tuserOrde(tuser_num,productsList_num,tuserorder_time,tuser_addr)    values (use_num,product_num,now(),tuser_addr1); end


3 创建用户自定义函数:varchar fGetUserMaxProduct(用户账号)(在查询结果子表中在进行查询)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 create function t3(user_num varchar (10)) returns varchar (20) begin     declare products_num varchar (20);     select `productsList_num` into products_num from     ( select count (`productsList_num`) as c1,`productsList_num`      from factory.tuserorder   where tuser_num=user_num      group by `productsList_num`) as t1  having max (c1);     return products_num; end


将查询结果设成别名为t1 的表,再重t1的表中,在继续查询。



1 select a from ( select a,b,c from table1 where …) as t1






