
吾爱主题 阅读:129 2021-09-16 15:42:00 评论:0

Redis 实现每个连接websocket的服务都唯一绑定一个用户。通过 用户账号 = websocket fd 存到redis中。

Mysql 实现离线消息池。如果一个用户不在线,则其他用户发送给他的消息暂时存储在mysql。待该用户上线时,再从离线消息池取出发送。


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"head" >    < div class = "wrap" >      < i class = "menu_back" >< a href = "javascript:history.go(-1);" rel = "external nofollow" ></ a ></ i >      < div class = "title" >        < span class = "title_d" >< p >与 {$tonickname} 的聊天</ p ></ span >        < div class = "clear" ></ div >      </ div >      <!--i class="menu_share"></i-->    </ div > </ div > < input type = "hidden" name = "myemail" id = "myemail" value = "{$myemail}" /> < input type = "hidden" name = "mynickname" id = "mynickname" value = "{$mynickname}" /> < input type = "hidden" name = "myavatar" id = "myavatar" value = "{$myavatar}" /> < input type = "hidden" name = "toemail" id = "toemail" value = "{$toemail}" /> < input type = "hidden" name = "tonickname" id = "tonickname" value = "{$tonickname}" /> < input type = "hidden" name = "toavatar" id = "toavatar" value = "{$toavatar}" />   <!-- 对话内容 --> < div class = "speak_window" >   < div class = "speak_box" >     </ div > </ div > <!-- 内容输入--> < div class = "wenwen-footer" >   < div class = "wenwen_btn left" >< img src = "/static/images/jp_btn.png" ></ div >   < div class = "wenwen_text left" >    < div class = "write_box" >< input type = "text" class = "left" onKeyUp = "keyup()" maxlength = "100" placeholder = "请输入信息(100字以内)..." /></ div >   </ div >   < div class = "wenwen_help right" >     < button onClick = "send()" class = "right" >发送</ button >   </ div >   < div style = "opacity:0;" class = "clear" ></ div > </ div >   < script type = "text/javascript" >   if ("WebSocket" in window){    var ws = new WebSocket("ws://");    ws.onopen = function(){     console.log("握手成功");     var myemail = $("#myemail").val();     var toemail = $("#toemail").val();     var arr = {"flag":"init","from":myemail,"to":toemail};     var str = JSON.stringify(arr);     ws.send(str);    };    ws.onmessage = function(e){     var toemail = $("#toemail").val();     var toavatar = $("#toavatar").val();     var obj = JSON.parse(;     console.log(;     //但同时与两个人聊天时,可能两个人的消息都会出现在当前窗口,所以此处加个判断,此窗口只接收当前聊天对象的消息,其他则忽略     if(obj.from === toemail){      var ans = '< div class = "answer" >< div class = "heard_img left" >< img src = "'+toavatar+'" ></ div >';       ans += '< div class = "answer_text" >< p >'+obj.content+'</ p >< i ></ i >';       ans += '</ div ></ div >';       $('.speak_box').append(ans);       for_bottom();     }    };    ws.onerror = function(){     console.log("error");     var str = '< div class = "question" >';     str += '< div class = "heard_img right" >< img src = "/static/images/xitong.jpg" ></ div >';     str += '< div class = "question_text clear" >< p >聊天服务器出现异常,暂时无法提供服务。</ p >< i ></ i >';     str += '</ div ></ div >';     $('.speak_box').append(str);     $('.write_box input').val('');     $('.write_box input').focus();     autoWidth();     for_bottom();    };      function send() {     var content = $('.write_box input').val();    if(content === ''){     alert('请输入消息!');     $('.write_box input').focus();    }else{      var toemail = $("#toemail").val();      var myemail = $("#myemail").val();      var myavatar = $("#myavatar").val();      var arr = {"flag":"msg","to":toemail,"from":myemail,"content":content};      var msg = JSON.stringify(arr);      console.log(msg);      ws.send(msg);      var str = '< div class = "question" >';      str += '< div class = "heard_img right" >< img src = "'+myavatar+'" ></ div >';      str += '< div class = "question_text clear" >< p >'+content+'</ p >< i ></ i >';      str += '</ div ></ div >';     $('.speak_box').append(str);     $('.write_box input').val('');     $('.write_box input').focus();     autoWidth();     for_bottom();     }       }   }else{    alert("您的浏览器不支持 WebSocket!");   }       function for_bottom(){   var speak_height = $('.speak_box').height();   $('.speak_box,.speak_window').animate({scrollTop:speak_height},500);   }     function autoWidth(){   $('.question_text').css('max-width',$('.question').width()-60);   }     autoWidth();   </ script >   </ body > </ html >


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CREATE TABLE `app_offline` (   `id` int (11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,   ` from ` varchar (50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '离线发送方' ,   ` to ` varchar (50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '离线接收方' ,   `content` varchar (1000) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '发送的离线内容' ,   `status` tinyint(4) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '发送状态:0-未发送,1-已发送' ,   `addtime` int (11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '发送方发送时间' ,   PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=2 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8






