
吾爱主题 阅读:138 2021-11-19 16:09:00 评论:0
  • 1. 解决什么问题,为什么要用workman  socket服务


  • 2. 服务端代码


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'/Config/Db.php' ;   use Workerman\Worker;   // #### create socket and listen 1234 port #### $tcp_worker = new Worker( "tcp://" );   /**   * 定义常量.   */ define( 'REP_SUCCESS' , 0); // 成功 define( 'REP_FAIL' , -1); // 失败 define( 'REP_FAIL_NO_COMPLETED' , 1); // 文件未上传完成     // 16 processes,与cpu个数相同 $tcp_worker -> count = 16; $msg = '' ;   define( 'ORGPKG' , '/Volumes/VMware\ Shared\ Folders/orgpkg/' ); define( 'DISTPKG' , '/Volumes/VMware\ Shared\ Folders/' ); //define('SYS_IP', ''); define( 'SYS_IP' , '' ); define( 'IOS_URL' , '' );     // Emitted when new connection come $tcp_worker ->onConnect = function ( $connection ) {      $connection ->sized = 0;        // xcode调用脚本      $certMobile = '/mnt/www/DIVIDE_PKG/Cert/%d/mslabEnt.mobileprovision' ; // 证书文件      $shell = "/mnt/www/DIVIDE_PKG/Lib/dividePkg/resign  sign -ipapath  %s  -destpath %s  -pppath %s -agentid %s" ;        $connection ->shell = $shell ;      $connection ->pppath = $certMobile ;        echo date ( "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) . " connect!" . getclientip() . PHP_EOL;   };   /**   * 响应结果.   *   * @author yzm   */ function resonse( $conn , $msg , $error = REP_FAIL, $data = []) {      $res = [ 'msg' => $msg , 'error' => intval ( $error )];      if (! empty ( $data )) {          $res [ 'content' ] = $data ;      }        debug( $res );        // 返回JSON数据格式到客户端 包含状态信息      $rst = json_encode( $res );        $conn ->send( $rst ); }     // Emitted when data received $tcp_worker ->onMessage = function ( $connection , $data ) {      set_time_limit(0);      ini_set ( 'memory_limit' , -1);        $db = \Lib\Db::instance( 'btmox' );      $data = @json_decode( $data , true);        try {          if ( empty ( $data [ 'authId' ])) {              throw new \Exception( '授权文件参数错误' );          }            //1. 查询所有待分包的ios渠道包          $iosPkg = $db              ->select( ',a.vid,a.filename,a.agent,d.pinyin,,c.package_name' )              ->from( 'cy_ct_ios_package a' )              ->where( "a.status=0 AND c.is_send=1" )              ->leftJoin( 'cy_ct_ios_mobileversion b' , '' )              ->rightJoin( 'cy_ct_ios_version c' , '' )              ->leftJoin( 'cy_game d' , '' )              ->orderByASC([ 'a.create_time' ])->query();            if ( empty ( $iosPkg )) throw new \Exception( '没有需要待分包的数据' .PHP_EOL);            //2. 分包          foreach ( $iosPkg as $one ){              try {                  //对当前正要分的包把状态改为‘分包中'                  $db ->update( 'cy_ct_ios_package' )->cols([                      'status' => 2,                  ])->where( "id=" . $one [ 'id' ])->query();                    $filename = $one [ 'pinyin' ];                  // 渠道分包                  $verId = @ $one [ 'vid' ];                  $agent = @ $one [ 'agent' ];                  $location = isset( $data [ 'location' ]) ? $data [ 'location' ] : 1;                  $authId = @ intval ( $data [ 'authId' ]); // 授权文件                    if ( empty ( $verId ) || empty ( $agent )) {                      throw new \Exception( "分包失败:" . $one [ 'id' ]. "版本、渠道为空\r\n" );                  }                    // 替换\,否则PHP验证不文件是否存在                  $orgPkg = str_replace ( '\\' , '' , ORGPKG) . "{$filename}.ipa" ;                    debug( $one [ 'id' ]. '原包:' . $orgPkg );                    debug( $one [ 'id' ]. '是否是文件:' . is_file ( $orgPkg ));                    if (! is_file ( $orgPkg )) {                      throw new \Exception( "分包失败:" . $one [ 'id' ]. "母包不存在-$orgPkg\r\n" );                  }                    // 从新拼接文件                  $orgPkg = ORGPKG . "{$filename}.ipa" ;                    // 获取目标包存放路径                  $distPkgPath = getDistPkgPath( $location );                    $distPkg = $distPkgPath . "$filename/vers_{$verId}/{$filename}_$agent.ipa" ;                  debug( '渠道分包地址:' . $distPkg );                  if ( file_exists ( $filename )) {                      @unlink( $filename );                  }                    // 替换授权文件                  $certMobile = sprintf( $connection ->pppath, $authId );                    // 渠道分包                  list( $msg , $code ) = dividePkg( $connection ->shell, $orgPkg , $distPkg , $agent , $certMobile );                    debug( '$code' . $code );                    if ( $code != 0) {                      throw new \Exception( "分包失败:" . $msg . "\r\n" );                  }                    $distPkg = str_replace ( $distPkgPath , '' , $distPkg );                } catch (\Exception $ex ){                  debug( $ex ->getMessage());                  $code = -1;                  $msg = $ex ->getMessage();              }                //3. 分包后更新分包结果,状态,下载地址              $status = $code == 0 ? 1 : 2;              $sdata [ 'status' ] = $status ;              $sdata [ 'message' ] = $msg ;              if ( $status == 1){                  $sdata [ 'url' ] = IOS_URL. $distPkg ;              }              $db ->update( 'cy_ct_ios_package' )->cols( $sdata )->where( "id=" . $one [ 'id' ])->query();          }            resonse( $connection , $msg , $code );      } catch (\Exception  $ex ){          resonse( $connection , $ex ->getMessage());      } };   // Emitted when new connection come $tcp_worker ->onClose = function ( $connection ) {      echo date ( "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) . " closed!" . PHP_EOL; };   Worker::runAll();
  • 3. 客户端代码


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  • 4. 使用

    a. 开启服务

        php server.php start  //可以看到开启了多个进程

   b. 客户端连接

       php client.php  //从代码知道,里头用了循环,可以多次连接服务,同时发送数据,服务端会把结果返回





